Back & Neck Pain

Learn how your body can treat chronic pain

Exercise for low back pain video

Exercise for Bad Lower Back

So many people suffer from back and neck pain and have no idea how to heal it. I can help you learn the specifics about your pain and create tools that allow you to move freely and reduce your discomfort.

There are many degenerative conditions of the spine that cause pain and discomfort, so it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor if your pain is interfering with your daily life. That way, you will know what you are dealing with and can use important exercise modifications to keep you safe.

I work with my clients to discover the source of their pain and then teach them the tools to feel better and become more mobile while keeping their bodies safe during our sessions.

I have spent many years studying the body and specializing in conditions of the spine as so many of my clients have come to me to get a break from their pain. Learning about your anatomy can empower you to heal your own body. Imagine how it would feel if you no longer needed anyone to tell you how to exercise, but you knew how your body is supposed to move and what to do.

Ab Exercise for Bad Back

For example, as much as I hear about the core, I often find that people don’t really know what muscles are even involved or how to engage them properly. I teach my clients the anatomy of their core and how it will protect their spine. With this knowledge, they can do any form of exercise and stay safe by knowing how they are supposed to feel and knowing how to modify when things don’t feel right.

I also have a movement philosophy of looking at the physical patterns surrounding the pain instead of chasing the area of pain for too long.

Often, where we feel something is not actually why we feel it. It’s helpful to dig deeper and look in other places of the body to find some relief. This is very specific to biomechanics and Pilates training. Alignment and mindful movement are two of the key Pilates principles.

This teaches you how to listen to your body and gives you kinesthetic awareness of how your body moves in space. When you develop this practice, you will be able to sense how your movement patterns are causing you pain and you will learn how to unravel them and create healthier patterns that you can apply to exercise as well as your daily life.

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