How to use physical movement with traditional medicine to reduce your lower back pain

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There are many causes of lower back pain that range from acute injuries, chronic illnesses, or faulty movement patterns that create tight and over-used muscles. When your lower back pain gets so bad it’s hindering your daily life, that typically sends you to the doctor’s office. 

When you go visit your doctor, they will help you determine what is causing your pain and decide on which treatment they can offer you.

Your doctor may prescribe pain medication for short-term relief, but it isn’t ideal to be on medication long-term, and they will want you to only use it as prescribed and only when absolutely necessary.

Depending on your diagnosis, you may also get a cortisone shot, or be sent to physical therapy. Your doctor might also suggest core work or an exercise program in order to delay surgery.

That said, even if you are prescribed any of the above solutions by your doctor, a thoughtful and detailed movement program will complement your treatment plan. 

Whatever your medical diagnosis, I can work with you to help alleviate your pain and get back to your life. I will work in conjunction with your doctor and then continue the process with you once your medical treatment is complete.

How Movement Helps

There are many ways physical movement can help for lower back pain relief.

First, strengthening your core has very little to do with traditional abdominal exercises. The most well-known ab exercises are actually the last step in core strength. What you need first is to find better alignment in your spine, then work on understanding the deep core and how the way you breathe can change your pain level. You will also need to strengthen your glutes and stretch your hips as well as your back to find relief. From there, you can build your core strength from the inside out beginning with the deepest layer of abdominal muscles, that also attaches to your diaphragm, your primary breathing muscle.

You will also benefit from learning what faulty movement patterns might have caused your pain or are perpetuating it. I will help you unravel those patterns and create newer, healthier ways of moving your body during exercise and in your daily life. It could be as simple as changing the way you sit in your car or unload your groceries, but learning how to move your body in healthier ways can help you find the pain relief you are seeking.

Reach out today for your free 30-minute evaluation.


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