Exercise you can do at home to keep you healthy and mobile as you age

All of us age. Typically, age also brings many impacts to our bodies and makes everyday things harder to do. As the cells decay, everything is affected from muscles and tendons to our brains and virtually everything else about our physical bodies.

That all said, you can either do nothing about the aches, pains and problems or you can choose to get active and be healthier, more energetic, more flexible - and more resistant to illness and injury.

How can you accomplish this? Read on.

Purposeful Movement is the Key - Injury Prevention Exercises

Try purposeful and mindful movements like Pilates, Yoga, or Tai Chi. These exercises help you focus on how your body moves while encouraging you to make positive shifts toward healthier physicality. They are all great for injury prevention and pain relief.

Does weight training increase bone density?

Yes, it does! As we age, our bones can become more brittle. Adding strength training into your routine can help maintain healthy bone density and keep you from developing osteoporosis, If you already have osteoporosis, you can still use strength training to keep it from worsening.

Dance for mental health

Studies have shown there are so many benefits to dancing, both for the brain and the body. Because it is a full-bodied exercise that requires thought and focus, dancing can help keep your brain sharp as you age. It is also a great way to prevent dementia, as well as slow down the effects of any neurological condition.

Balance exercises for seniors

Balance exercises are just as important as everything else. There are many ways we lose our balance as we age. It can be postural, a loss of fluid in the inner ears, or loss of muscle tone. Practicing balancing exercises in a safe way can help restore the systems necessary for you to stay on your feet.

The benefits of walking every day

Walking is one of the best exercises for your mind and your body. Taking the time for a nice walk every day can connect you to nature, help you with your balance, give you light cardiovascular work-out, and give you a chance to clear your mind. Plus, if you walk with friends, it's a great social activity that will impact your mood in a positive way.

Chair exercises

Chair exercises are great if you are limited physically, but would still like to practice any of the above techniques. There are plenty of ways to practice Pilates, Yoga, or dance in a chair. The chair also gives you the confidence to try more difficult exercises in a safe and stable way.

Free online fitness consultation

Get a free 30-min web evaluation where I can recommend exercises to help meet your needs whether it’s aging issues, injury recovery, or just the healthier lifestyle you want.


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